Julien Ponge

Julien Ponge

I am a Principal Software Engineer at Red Hat.

I am primarily working on reactive:

  • the Eclipse Vert.x project, a resource-efficient toolkit for writing scalable and resilient event-driven micro-services on the JVM,
  • Mutiny, an intuitive event-driven reactive programming library for Java,
  • Quarkus, a Kubernetes Native Java stack tailored for OpenJDK HotSpot and GraalVM, crafted from the best of breed Java libraries and standards.

I am the author of a book called “Vert.x in Action” at Manning Publications https://www.manning.com/books/vertx-in-action

Before joining Red Hat, I was an Associate Professor in computer science and engineering at INSA Lyon and the CITI Laboratory where I have held various teaching, research, management and executive positions.


13/10/2022 : Reactive Streams. 4 interfaces. Et après ?